After Hearing this Song I'm Really Curious How Well You Would Do On An Ambient Track... This is On The Edge of Being Called Ambient... I Hope You Try It Sometime, I'll Be Waiting :)
After Hearing this Song I'm Really Curious How Well You Would Do On An Ambient Track... This is On The Edge of Being Called Ambient... I Hope You Try It Sometime, I'll Be Waiting :)
I do have an ambient track, actually. It's called "Above the Clouds" if you want to check it out.
Mmm :)
I Really Enjoyed This. It Took Me Into a Slight Trance When the Piano Came In... Great Job, and Thanks For the Message :)
No prob, criticism is the most important thing for me at making music, so I had to contact you all to get some. Only with this way I can get better and better. Thanks, DJ-Dax!^^
The Actual Melody is Really Drowned Out... Try Pushing that So You Can Actually Hear It a Little More, Then I'll Tell You What I Think From There :P
How is the melody drowned out? High frequencies can be perceived by the human ear a hundred times more acutely than low ones! XD
I Can Jam to This.
Good Shit Bro, Thanks for the Private Message, It Loops Perfectly, Intentional or Not haha. I Love the Beat, I Was a Bit Shakey at the Very Beginning but When the Rhythm Came In It Just Smoothed the Whole Song Out. Great Job Overall
Yeah, the beginning does not really seem to show the rythm well. I think I'll add one little and quiet melody which supports the main piano there.^^
Thanks for the review, DJ-Dax!
Ahhh... NT You did it again
Every Song You've Made I've Downloaded, And Yet again... Another Download :)
Really? Cool!
In that case thank you for your support <333 :D
One Thing and I'll Give it an A+++
Put this In Ambient Bud. Otherwise I Love It.
Lol, ok. This is going in Ambient. Thanks for the tip and the review! :D
I Enjoy this One a Lot Better than Synthetica's "Andrenaline" By RenoakRhythm. Yours is a Bit More Bouncy... I Bought Synthetica and Thought to Myself... "I KNOW THAT SONG" But Like I Said... Much Much Better than Adrenaline In My Opinion.
I Recommend Buying Synthetica on iTunes - Its Amazing Btw.
Thanks! Synthetica is really awesome, we can definitely agree with you on that. Renoak's track (Adrenaline) was great on the album and I (SinJim) tried to add to it to make it better. Hopefully that's happened.
Glad you liked it, thanks again!
Only Thing I'd Change - Put This In Ambient
Hehe okay =], ty!
So Relaxing, Haha Sorry I Love Ambient Songs :) Overall it was Really Good Its Late So My Brain is a Bit Fried for Ideas to Make it Better, But Its Good Enough for Me To Download :)
4.44 - 4.51 (+.075)
thanks Alot!
Amazing Piece My Friend, Also Congrats on Top 30 :) 10/10 \\ 5/5
Oh my gosh wow i didn't even know i made the top thirty....thanks for the review
Age 37, Male
Pittsburgh Technical Institute
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Joined on 9/28/07